University of Wisconsin-Madison
BME 315

  Schedule   Introduction   Study questions   Assignments   Graph quality   Guidelines for reports

Time and Location:

Fall semester 2010, Lecture 11:00, TR, 3345 Engineering Hall.
Lab sections as given.

Instructor (2010; 2006; 2004; 2002-1999): Rod Lakes, Professor. Office-541 ERB.
For (2003, 2005) Dr. Mitch Tyler. For 2007-2009, Professor D. Thelen.
For 2011 and in following years, I do not offer this course; it is offered by others. As for research, we continue collaborative research on advanced topics in biomechanics, especially ligament and tendon.

Grading plan: Homework 10%; reports, 30%. Hour quizzes (two), 17% each. Final quiz, 26%.
Scale, A: 90-100, AB: 85-89, B: 80-84; BC: 75-79, etc.

315 Engineering Biomechanics (3 credits). Available Fall, 1999. This course will provide an introduction to the mechanical behavior of biological tissues and systems. The influence of material properties on the structure and function of organisms will provide the students with an appreciation for the mechanical complexity of biological systems. Methods for the analysis of both rigid body and deformational mechanics will be introduced as they apply to biological tissues including bone, muscle, and connective tissues.
Students will be expected to develop an understanding of the important issues regarding the application of engineering tools in the study of biological tissue mechanics. Problem solving skills will be emphasized through homework assignments and laboratory experiments. Specific topics include: structure and function of biological tissues, mechanical properties of biological tissues, and analysis of specific tissues (i.e. bone, muscle, and soft connective tissues). Students will acquire laboratory data during testing at the tissue and body scales.
Prerequisites: Math 234; EMA 202 or ME 240.

Textbook for 2010: Physics of the Human Body; Irving P Herman; Springer 2007.
Please observe that the course is not limited to material in the text. Additional resources will be provided in class.
This class deals with solid biomechanics. Not all of the topics in the text are pursued. In particular we do not study fluids.

UW seal
Reserve for extra practice (optional)
Mechanics of materials. Location: Wendt Library is no longer a library.

Laboratory experiments selected from the following.
Lab report 1 is due in the lecture room two weeks after it was announced. Lab reports 2 to 5 are due two weeks after the lab meets, during the next lab. Submit these reports to your TA. Two weeks means two working weeks not including University holidays. Share the data but write your own report. The report is expected to be a formal paper copy, not hand-written and not electronic. Attach the lab instruction sheets and hand written notes taken in lab as appendices at the back of the report. Single space is OK to conserve paper; double sided is also OK. Report grades will be reduced by 5% for each 24-hour day of additional delay. Late reports and homework may be placed in my mailbox on the first floor of ERB or in my office.
Laboratory handouts will be distributed in paper form in class. They are provided here in digital form as replacement if needed.
(i)...Lab 1. Review of journal article download pdf
(ii)...Postural stability lab guide pdf
(iii)...Lab 2, room 3038 ME. Foot forces in walking and jumping lab guide pdf, force plate manual pdf, force plate sheet pdf, MATLAB notes, word doc. This may not be readable because Word is not forward compatible. Your current Word documents may not be readable in the future.
(iv)... Lab 3, room 3038 ME. Body kinematics. lab guide pdf
(v)... Lab 4, room 1313 EH. Tendon mechanical properties.
Tendon lab guide pdf, Tendon background pdf, Tendon lab details pdf.
(vi)... Lab 5, room 1313 EH. Bone mechanical properties
Bone lab guide pdf, Bone background pdf, Bone lab details pdf, materials comparison pdf. Bone anisotropy notes Word doc. This may not be readable because Word is not forward compatible, so here is a pdf. Your current Word documents may not be readable in the future.
(vii)... Lab 6, ECB instrumentation lab 2043 ECB. Ultrasonic tissue characterization
Ultrasonics lab guide pdf, waves introduction pdf, bone anisotropy pdf.
Homework assignments are due in the lecture room one week after the day assigned unless stated otherwise. Homework may be neatly hand written unless a specific request is made otherwise. Do not attempt to fragment the assignment into segments: if it is not done on the due date, turn in the full assignment late.

"For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled", Richard Feynman.

Graphical Supplement Discussion of graphs, including abominable graphs.
UW Writing guide.
EMA 611 experimental mechanics